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Inhibition of autophagy promote Bevacizumab-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis of colon cancer

Journal Of Modern Oncology[ISSN:1672-4992/CN:61-1415/R]

2017 03
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Inhibition of autophagy promote Bevacizumab-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis of colon cancer
Zhong LiZhao Zhi
Gastrointestinal Department,the Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical College,Guangxi Guilin 541000,China.
anti-VEGFBevacizumabautophagycolon cancer
Objective:To explore the relationship between anti-VEGF and autophagy.Methods:After HT-29 cells treated with Bevacizumab in the absence or presence of CQ,we explored apoptosis,proliferation and autophagy.Results:VEGF were upregulated in colorectal cancer.Moreover,patients with high VEGF expression showed significantly shorter overall survival.In addition,Bevacizumab inhibited the viability of human colon cancer cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner and induce apoptosis.At the last,treatment with Bevacizumab induced protective autophagy in colon cancer cells.Conclusion:Inhibition of autophagy promotes the effect of growth inhibition and apoptosis of colon cancer.


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