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   “Modern Oncology”(ISSN1672-4992,CN61-1415/R, monthly) is a national professional academic journal of oncology approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Press and Publication Administration for public distribution at home and abroad, and a series of journals of China Anti-Cancer Association. This journal is the Statistical Source Journal of Chinese Science and Technology Papers of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (China Science and Technology Core Journals)(2004-2024), “Overview of Chinese Core Journals”(9th Edition), “Chemical Abstracts of USA”, ”Japan Science and Technology Agency Database (JST China)”, World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) Report of Scientific and Technological Periodicals, RCCSE China Core Academic Journals (A), “China Journals Network”, “Chinese Academic Journal (CD-ROM Version) Full Text Database”, “China Core Journals (Selection) Database”, "Chinese Biomedical Literature Database" and "China Science and Technology Journal Database" "Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journals Impact Factors", "Comprehensive Evaluation Database of Chinese Academic Journals", "Wanfang Data-Digital Periodical (WANGFANF DATA)", Full-text Online Periodicals on Superstar Journal Domain Publishing Platform, and "CAJ-CD Norms" Executive Excellent Periodicals.
    "Modern Oncology" mainly introduces thelatest achievement and progress in this field, covers the diagnosis, therapy, basic research, clinical study, researching method, experience, prevention of tumor. The major columns are special paper, original paper, basic study, clinical research, review, epidemiology, short report, experience communication, Western and Chinese traditional medicine, etc. 
   “Modern Oncology” will be
published monthly since Jan,2025. The total pages are 176. It is the international standard A4 format, with the text print insert color diagrams . The price of each journal is 15 yuan and annual 180 yuan (each issue priced $6 for overseas subscribers and annual $ 72). Welcome readers order the journal at the local post office (Mailroom code 52-297) or mail directly from the editorial department.
    Address: "Modern Oncology" editorial department at NO.309 Yanta West Road, Shaanxi Xian, China.
    Post Code: 710061
    Phone: 029-85578876, 029-85277356, 029-85276012 