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Clinical observation of modified bazhen decoction on pediatric neuroblastoma

Journal Of Modern Oncology[ISSN:1672-4992/CN:61-1415/R]

2019 03
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Clinical observation of modified bazhen decoction on pediatric neuroblastoma
Liang XiaohuiMeng ZhanbeiZheng Hongling
Department of Paediatrics,Women and Children Health Care Center of Luoyang,Henan Luoyang 471000,China.
pediatric neuroblastomamodified bazhen decoctiontumortraditional Chinese medicine treatment
Objective:To observed the clinical effect of adjuvant treatment of Bazhen decoction on pediatric neuroblastoma.Methods:Eighty children with neuroblastoma were divided into two groups according to the random number table:40 in each group.The experimental group was treated with addition and subtraction of Bazhen decoction on the basis of treatment,while the control group was given placebo on the basis of treatment for 4 weeks.Meanwhile,we observed the changes of TCM syndrome,treatment affect,quality of life,tumor progression,adverse reactions and so on.After 4 weeks,questionnaires were made with the quality of life scale and Chinese symptom checklist,and the scores of all the patients before and after drug intervention were statistically analyzed.Results:There was no significant difference in symptoms between the two groups before treatment.After treatment with Bazhen decoction,the curative effect of the experimental group was better than that before treatment(P<0.05),and the overall quality of life score was better than the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The addition and subtraction Bazhen Decoction adjuvant treatment of children with neuroblastoma have a significant effect,which can improve the quality of life of patients,and the efficacy of safe and feasible.


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