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Expression and clinical significance of ASAP3 in breast infiltrative ductal cancer

Journal Of Modern Oncology[ISSN:1672-4992/CN:61-1415/R]

2019 03
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Expression and clinical significance of ASAP3 in breast infiltrative ductal cancer
Wang Xiaolan1Mao Xiaoyun2Fan Chuifeng3Jin Feng2Zhang Dianlong1
1.Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery,the Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University,Liaoning Dalian 116001,China; 2.Department of Breast Surgery,the First Hospital of China Medical University,Liaoning Shenyang 110001,China;3.Institute of Pathology and Pathophysiology,the College of Basic Medical Sciences,China Medical University,Liaoning Shenyang 110001,China.
breast invasive ductal cancerASAP3tissue elasticity
Objective:To discuss the expression of ASAP3 in breast invasive ductal cancer,further to illustrate the role of ASAP3 in breast cancer clinicohistological characteristics and tumor tissue elasticity.Methods:The expression of ASAP3 was investigated in 139 invasive ductal breast cancer and 50 paired para-tumor tissue by immunohistochemistry.Results:The ASAP3 positive rate was 59.0%(82/139) in breast cancer and 4.0%(2/50) in paired para-tumor tissues.ASAP3 expression was significantly associated with lymph node metastasis,histological grade and TNM stage(P<0.05),and no correlation with tumor size,age and menopausal status(P>0.05).The results of immunohistochemistry demonstrated ASAP3 correlated with the tumor tissue elasticity(P<0.05).Conclusion:It suggested that the ASAP3 played important role in the occurrence and progress of breast cancer,and related with the tumor tissue elasticity(or stiffness).


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81201886,81773163);国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:81201886,81773163)
Last Update: 2018-12-29