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Diagnostic value of 18F-FDG dual head gamma-camera coincidence in the local recurrence diagnosis of postoperative rectal carcinoma

Journal Of Modern Oncology[ISSN:1672-4992/CN:61-1415/R]

2017 01
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Diagnostic value of 18F-FDG dual head gamma-camera coincidence in the local recurrence diagnosis of postoperative rectal carcinoma
Zhang WeixiaoXu XiaofeiSheng DandanWang ChengZhou LinglingLiu Yajie
Department of Nuclear Medicine,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210011,China.
18F-FDG dual head gamma-camera coincidence (DHC)rectal cancerrecurrencediagnosis
Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of 18F-FDG dual head gamma-camera coincidence (DHC) imaging in the local recurrence of postoperative rectal cancer.Methods:DHC was studied between November 2013 and April 2015 on 27 patients (9 women,18 men,mean age:55.6 years old) highly suspected recurrence.DHC imaging and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) findings were compared with histopathological findings and/or clinical follow-up data as the "gold standard".Results:The positive predictive value and accuracy of DHC imaging (93.3%,92.6%) was higher than CT (86.7%,88.9%).While the negative predictive value between the two imaging had no significant difference.All of the 27 cases were performed CEA measurement,9 cases of 15 CEA positive patients and 3 cases of the 12 CEA negative patients had FDG metabolism,confirmed by pathology and follow-up.Conclusion:18F-FDG dual head gamma-camera coincidence (DHC) imaging is a sensitive and effective method in the local recurrence diagnosis of postoperative rectal carcinoma,and has broad clinical application prospects.


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Last Update: 2016-12-01