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Research progress on the mechanism of energy metabolic reprogramming in the "inflammation to cancer" transformation of chronic atrophic gastritis

Journal Of Modern Oncology[ISSN:1672-4992/CN:61-1415/R]

2024 08
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Research progress on the mechanism of energy metabolic reprogramming in the "inflammation to cancer" transformation of chronic atrophic gastritis
LIU Ya1XU Wenqian1GUO Min2
1.The First Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Henan Zhengzhou 450000,China;2.Spleen,Stomach,Hepatobiliary Department,the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Henan Zhengzhou 450000,China.
reprogramming of energy metabolismchronic atrophic gastritis"inflammation to cancer" transformation
Reprogramming of energy metabolism is one of the important characteristics of cancer.It is a characteristic effect of up-regulating aerobic glycolysis metabolism and inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation to cause metabolic imbalance of gastric mucosal epithelial cells and promote the transformation of inflammatory microenvironment to tumor microenvironment,which plays a key role in the "inflammation-cancer" transformation of chronic atrophic gastritis.This article summarizes the research progress of the molecular mechanism of metabolic reprogramming in the progression of chronic atrophic gastritis to gastric cancer from the relationship between energy metabolism and oxidative stress,mitochondrial damage,microenvironment formation,and immunosuppression.Therefore,it is proposed that the regulation of abnormal energy metabolism can effectively reduce oxidative stress damage,improve microenvironment,delay the deterioration time,and cut off the process of inflammatory to cancer transformation.


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