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Clinical observation of morphine injection applied for 174 patients with cancer pain

Journal Of Modern Oncology[ISSN:1672-4992/CN:61-1415/R]

2017 03
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Clinical observation of morphine injection applied for 174 patients with cancer pain
Liu ShanWu Xiaoming
General Department,Tumor Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100021,China.
cancer painmorphineinjection
Objective:To observe and assess effect by morphine injection on relieving cancer pain in malignant tumor patients.Methods:A total of 174 patients with cancer pain at general department ward in Tumor Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,who received morphine injection,from March 22nd 2013 to March 26th 2015 were taken for observation and summary of medical data and curative effect by morphine injection.Results:There were 165 cases with single primary cancer and 9 cases with double primary cancer.Numeric rating scale(NRS) score of patients at admission was (5.04±2.04)points,along with breakthrough pain by (1.10±1.14)times/day.There were 55 death cases during hospitalization,and the 119 discharged cases had NRS score as (1.94±1.27)points and breakthrough pain by (0.40±0.83)times/day.Differences of NRS score and breakthrough pain times in patients between admission and discharge had statistical significance(P<0.05).Before administration of morphine injection,the patients had NRS score as (7.23±1.78)points.Their score was (1.43±0.82)points after 30 min of morphine injection application.Their difference had statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusion:Morphine injection can remarkably relieve cancer pain in patients,and improve quality of life.


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Last Update: 2016-12-29